On this Halloween night I will let you in on a secrete.
Something very few people know about me.
You may know about my struggles with Lyme disease, but what you don't know is that long before I knew what it was I was battling, when my son was very young and my symptoms were at their worst, I took on a different battle.
I agonized over images of my son being in harms way and me being too week and helpless to save him. I would picture him trapped or drowning or in any number of unthinkable scenarios and me feeling powerless.
What if there was a natural disaster…or apocalyptic event?
These thoughts and images became overwhelming and I knew I had to take some kind of action.
So I enrolled in an intensive fitness bootcamp.
Looking back, I don't know how I thought I would be a bootcamp candidate with my extreme fatigue, chronic pain and multitude of crazy symptoms…but I was determined.
I replaced my images of helplessness with ones of strength and power. It might sound crazy but I began imagining that I was surviving in the aftermath of an apocalypse and I was fighting for survival… and when I discovered the series, The Walking Dead, I began fighting zombies too!
These are the images that pushed me through.
Starting out I could not do even one lunge without the aid of the overhead bungie straps. In the end I was amazed at what our bodies are capable of enduring. I felt strong and powerful.
I became stronger in my body and in my mind than I had been in a very long time and capable to take on whatever came my way....maybe even zombies!
My doomsday fears subsided